Congratulations, you're one step closer to studying abroad! You have been nominated by UCSB EAP and you are now officially in the predeparture stage. Please note that for some programs, you must also be accepted by your host university. The information below will provide you with a snapshot of what you need to do from now until you leave and whom to contact for assistance.
UCSB EAP Contacts / UCEAP Contacts |
Contacts (2201 Student Administration & Services Building)
Please note that the majority of the predeparture requirements are organized by UCEAP, therefore, it is often quickest for you to contact them directly with your questions regarding those items.
After you've been nominated by UCSB EAP, you will be introduced by email to your UCEAP Contacts who coordinate the program logistics and details for students from all UC campuses. You can find their contact information in the Predeparture section of your UCEAP Portal.
International Program Specialist / Program Advisor - Provides predeparture support and information regarding host university applications, visas, program dates, predeparture requirements, etc.
International Academics Specialist - Provides academic support before, during and after your program. Advises on UCEAP academic policies, grades and petitions.
Finance Accountant - Provides financial support for questions regarding program budgets, fees, payments and disbursements.
Immediate Action Items |
1. Review the Predeparture and Finances sections of your UCEAP Portal for your program guide, visa instructions, housing details, program dates, insurance, UCEAP policies, fees and payments and more.
If your Predeparture Requirements or certain sections don’t appear yet, don’t worry, you will receive an email from UCEAP when they are available in your UCEAP portal.
- If you need to request a Proof of Funds letter from the UCSB Financial Aid Office for your visa application, please carefully review and complete this Google request form.
- Some countries require the proof of funds letter to contain specific wording or have sample letters for reference. If applicable, you must print out this information and submit it with your request fom.
- You will receive the letter 5-7 business days after your request form is received.
2. Completing a UCEAP Health Clearance is mandatory for all students participating in in-person UCEAP programs. The process varies by program and can take a while to complete so be sure to review the instructions and deadlines for your program as soon as they are available in your UCEAP Portal AND in the UCSB EAP Health Clearance section below.
3. Attend your UCSB EAP and UCEAP program-specific orientations.
4. Make a plan to access your UCSB email through Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) while abroad.
In order to access your UCSB email and other services while traveling abroad you'll need to use multi-factored authentication through your phone or another device. You could lose access if you are unprepared and change phones or sim cards, or are without service in transit. Take these planning steps to help ensure you never lose connection with the UCSB services you rely on while abroad.
- Photocopy and/or scan important travel documents (e.g. passport) in case you lose them.
- Notify your bank and credit card company of your travel plans and make sure you will have access to your account(s) while abroad.
- Change your local address to your permanent address in GOLD and the UCEAP Portal.
- Make sure you don't have a balance in your BARC account.
Orientations |
You are required to attend a UCEAP predeparture orientation webinar where you will meet your UCEAP support staff and receive vital information about your program. Details will be posted in your UCEAP Portal once available.
You are also required to attend your UCSB EAP predeparture orientation where you can meet your UCSB EAP Regional Advisor, other UCSB students on your program, past participants (if available) and obtain information about UCSB-specific policies as they relate to UCEAP. Details will be provided in an email from your Regional Advisor.
Housing |
Housing Abroad
Review the housing details in your UCEAP Program Guide located in your UCEAP Portal. Read through our Student Stories section to learn about program-specific tips and advice from past UCSB EAP participants.
Housing in Santa Barbara
Community Housing Services provides rental advice & information about subleasing, legal issues, mediation services, move-in & move-out videotaping, and educational workshops. Students can submit and search postings for housing in the UCSB area on their Rental Listings website.
For university housing, contact the UCSB Housing Office to inquire about a shortened contract since you'll be abroad on UCEAP.
Housing Information for UCSB Students Studying Abroad (packet)
Subletting Your Room
If you are looking to sublet your room during the time you are abroad, Community Housing Services can assist you with the paperwork and process. You can create a posting under the "Sublease" category of their Rental Listings website. Be sure to contact them with any questions.
California Housing Board
Access the California Housing Board here.
The Board is hosted on the Tapatalk platform. The UC Education Abroad Program and the University of California are not monitoring the posts nor are responsible for the posts’ content. The University of California is not affiliated with Tapatalk and does not endorse any of the advertising that appears on the platform. The UC Regents, officers, agents, and employees of the University of California make no warranties or representations in connection with the above information, and accept no liability for any damages whatsoever arising from the use of this information, including any errors or omissions made therein. If you wish to respond to an interested student with more details, contact them directly; do not post personal information.
Health Clearance |
Please refer to the Health Clearance FAQ for additional information.
*If there is a cost associated with your health clearance process and your program gets cancelled, fees paid for this process will NOT be refunded to you.
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Program Requirements: Specific health clearance instructions are listed in the following table
(Scroll down the table to view additional countries.)
Country | Where to Complete Travel Health Clearance (required) | Travel Consult (shots & prescriptions) |
SHS Online* = Your program may require an in-person appointment. You will be notified by SHS if applicable.
Multisite Program Health Clearance Information:
- Global Cities Urban Realities (France/UK-England): In the table above, select the instructions for France or UK-England.
- Human Rights and Cultural Memory (Argentina/Chile): In the table above, select Argentina for the country and list both Argentina and Chile on the Travel Consult (shots & prescriptions) intake questionnaire.
- Leadership in Social Justice & Public Policy (Mexico/UC Sacramento): In the table above, select Mexico for the country and list Mexico on the Travel Consult (shots & prescriptions) intake questionnaire.
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Travel Health Clearance at Student Health
If your program offers you the option to obtain your health clearance through the SHS (refer to the health clearance chart located above) and you wish to pursue this, follow these instructions.
Note: There is a fee associated with completing health clearances through SHS. UCSHIP covers the cost of the health clearance, immunizations, lab testing, etc. WAIVED and GAP students will be charged for some or all of these items.
STEP 1: Visit SHS Portal
To access the online form:
1. Go to the UCSB Student Health website
2. Click on MyHealthPortal up top
3. Enter your UCSB Net ID and Password
4. Click 'Get Care'
5. Click 'Schedule an Appointment'
6. Click 'Clinic Appointments'
7. Click 'Medical Services'
8. Click 'Travel Services'
9. Click 'Travel Clearance'
10. Complete the Travel Health Clearance questionnaire in its entirety.
11. Use the 'Add attachment' button at the top of the questionnaire to attach your UCEAP Health Clearance Form and, if applicable, any other forms required by your program/university/host country. These are all available on your pre-departure checklist at UCEAP.
12. Monitor your secure messages for instructions and next steps (typically within 5-7 business days).
STEP 2: Have a chronic medical or mental health condition? A clearance from the provider may be required in order to complete your clearance.
ONLY if you see a specialist for ongoing medical or mental health issues, request a clearance for travel by using this form.
All charges will be billed to your BARC account.
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Private Physician
If your program offers you the option to obtain your health clearance with a Private Physician (refer to the health clearance chart under Program Requirements and if you wish to pursue this, follow these instructions.
Students who do not have a private physician in the Santa Barbara area may also go to a local clinic such as:
Fairview MedCenter (by Bed Bath and Beyond): 271 N. Fairview Ave, Goleta
Isla Vista MedClinic: 970 Embarcadero del Mar, Isla Vista
STEP 1: Schedule an appointment with a private physician/local clinic
Make an appointment with a private physician and any specialist you are seeing for an ongoing condition. Specialist clearance should be completed BEFORE the general practitioner clearance.
2) Print out the UCEAP Confidential Health History Form, complete it and bring it to your appointment. You will need your immunization records for the form.
3) Print out the UCEAP Health Clearance Form and bring it to your appointment for the physician(s) to complete.
4) ONLY if you see a specialist for ongoing medical or mental health issues, request a clearance for travel. The left side of the health clearance form will need to be completed and signed by the specilalist. Be sure to bring the completed and signed form to your appointment with the general physician.
STEP 3: Attend your appointment
Bring all necessary forms and make sure to get them completed and signed.
STEP 4: Submit your health clearance form on time
1) Make a copy of the form for your files.
2) Submit the UCEAP Health Clearance Form to the UCEAP Systemwide Office so it arrives by the deadline. Do NOT send a copy of the Confidential Health History Form to UCEAP!
Refer to the Predeparture Requirements section in your UCEAP Portal for detailed information about the above requirements and also for directions on how to submit these forms.
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Check your routine vaccines are up-to-date
If you are going to a country that does not require a Travel Consult (shots and prescriptions) appointment, but would like to review and/or update your immunizations, you have several options. Locate your vaccine records (e.g. from a pediatrician, parent, or high school). If you are unable to locate a complete record, please use option 3 below.
1) You can check for general immunization recommendations at
2) You can submit your records for review and recommendations by logging into the portal and choosing the following
STEP 1: Schedule an appointment
1. Go to the Student Health Gateway
2. Click on Patient Portal Gateway
3. Enter your UCSB Net ID and Password
4. Click "Messages" on the left side of the menu
5. Click "New Message"
6. Click "Travel Services"
7."Travel Consult"
8. "Immunization Review for Travel"
Immunizations are covered by UC SHIP insurance. Students who have GAP or have waived out of UC SHIP will be charged for the immunizations. They may request an itemized billing statement to submit to their outside insurance carrier for consideration of reimbursement.
- Travel Consult-related Costs at UCSB Student Health Services
The travel consult and Immunizations are covered by UC SHIP insurance. GAP covers the travel consult only. Students who have GAP or have waived out of UC SHIP will be charged for the immunizations. They may request an itemized billing statment to submit to their outside insurance carrier for consideration of reimbursement.
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Travel Consult (shots & prescriptions)
1. Students going to Botswana, Ghana, India, and South Africa are required to complete their health clearances at UCSB Student Health Services but may go to their own providers for their Travel Consults (shots and prescriptions).
2. If you need a travel consult appointment (refer to the health clearance chart under "Program Requirements"), you may schedule one at UCSB Student Health Services, your private insurance provider, or a local travel clinic. Take action on this ASAP since the next available appointment may be weeks away.
3. It is critical to consider vaccine-preventable diseases that may be easily transmitted during travel, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition. Also, if you will be traveling to a malaria-endemic region, you may need to take malaria prophylaxis, in addition to taking mosquito avoidance measures.
4. Carefully review the UCSB EAP immunizations section of this site.
- Travel Consult Appointment Requests at UCSB
1. Go to the Student Health Gateway
2. Click on Patient Portal Gateway
3. Enter your UCSB Net ID and Password
4. Click "Messages" on the left side of the menu
5. Click "New Message"
6. Click "Travel Services"
7. "Travel Consult"
Although the UCEAP travel insurance does not cover the cost of most vaccinations, the exception is for Malaria Prophylaxis. UC has purchased a special insurance rider for UCEAP participants to be reimbursed the cost of Malaria Prophylaxis if it is picked up and paid for within the term of coverage (i.e. no more than 14 days before the official start date of the UCEAP program).
The travel consult and Immunizations are covered by UC SHIP insurance. GAP covers the travel consult only. Students who have GAP or have waived out of UC SHIP will be charged for the immunizations. They may request an itemized billing statment to submit to their outside insurance carrier for consideration of reimbursement.
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It is recommended that all of your travel immunizations are up-to-date before traveling. While some countries have requirements for specific travel vaccines, most only have recommendations.
If you are going to a country that does not strongly recommend a Travel Consult appointment (refer to the health clearance chart located above) but you would like to update your immunizations, you may still schedule an Immunization Review Appointment with one of the Advice Nurses through the Student Health website using "Join a Line" and choosing "Appointment Desk".
- Travel Consult-related Costs at UCSB Student Health Services
Immunization price comparison list - Contact Student Health Services
Although the UCEAP travel insurance does not cover the cost of most vaccinations, the exception is for Malaria Prophylaxis. UC has purchased a special insurance rider for UCEAP participants to be reimbursed the cost of Malaria Prophylaxis if it is prescribed by a doctor and filled, picked up, and paid for within the term of coverage (i.e. no more than 14 days before the official start date of the UCEAP program).
Insurance and travel health-related information
- Students without the UC Student Health Insurance Plan
Students who have their own private insurance should contact their insurance provider to determine if your travel consult, vaccinations, and/or prescriptions will be covered by your insurance. GAP students will not pay the visit fee, however, will still be responsible for the cost of the vaccines and any needed prescriptions. Students who have waived out of UC SHIP will have a visit fee in additional to the cost of vaccines and prescriptions. Other Travel Clinics in Santa Barbara may accept your insurance.
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University of California Student Health Insurance Plan (UCSHIP) |
UC requires all students (at UCSB and who study abroad with UCEAP) to have health insurance coverage that is compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Although students will have the travel insurance while abroad, this coverage is not ACA-compliant. Students will need to either purchase UCSHIP or submit a waiver with proof of comparable insurance coverage - you may submit a UCSHIP waiver but it must be approved by SHS.
UCSHIP reduced fees for UCSB EAP students (Rates are estimates and subject to change.)
Does NOT include dental or vision coverage
Number of quarters charged
UC SHIP premiums will be charged for each quarter for programs in which a program takes place.
*Continuing UCSB students participating in programs that begin and end in the summer will not be charged the UC SHIP fee as the spring quarter provides coverage through the summer term. New transfer students or students who were not enrolled at UCSB during the spring quarter will be charged the UC SHIP fee for programs that begin and end in the summer.
Program begins | Program ends | # of qtrs UC SHIP charged |
Summer | Summer | 0* |
Summer/Fall quarter | Fall quarter | 1 |
Summer/Fall quarter | Winter quarter | 2 |
Summer/Fall quarter | Spring quarter/Summer | 3 |
Winter quarter | Winter quarter | 1 |
Winter quarter | Spring quarter/Summer | 2 |
Spring quarter | Spring quarter/Summer | 1 |
Payment Instructions
Although UCEAP fees will be posted to your UCEAP Portal, UCSHIP fees will be posted to your BARC account. You will need to make payments in both places.
It is strongly recommended that the entire balance of the BARC bill, including your UC SHIP fee, be paid prior to leaving for UCEAP if possible. Although the quarterly UCSHIP fee will not appear in BARC until near the start of each quarter for which the UCSHIP will be billed, payments can be made in advance and the students’ account will be credited accordingly.
Financial aid recipients: Your financial aid package will post to your UCEAP Portal. If applicable, disbursements will be sent to you from your UCEAP account. You can then use these disbursement funds to pay for the UCSHIP fee in BARC.
UC SHIP Waiver Guidelines
If you have comparable insurance and do not want to keep UC SHIP as dual coverage while on UCEAP, you must submit a request to waive which would need to be approved. Refer to the Student Health Services website for waiver details. If you waive out of UCSHIP, you will NOT be billed the quarterly charge.