"Bringing UCSB to the world and the world to UCSB"
The UCSB Education Abroad Program (UCSB EAP) provides students with the opportunity to study abroad during their time at UCSB, and encourages them to take advantage of the programs offered through the University of California Education Abroad Program (UCEAP). Located in Student Affairs and Administrative Services Building 2201, UCSB EAP assists students during the recruitment, application, predeparture and re-entry stages of the process. Annually, UCSB EAP sends over 1,500 students abroad and welcomes approximately 300 reciprocal exchange students from partner universities. UCSB EAP is the resource on campus for students, faculty and staff who wish to learn more about UCEAP.
*Students interested in non-UCEAP study abroad programs should carefully review and follow the guidelines provided here. UCSB EAP staff only advise for UCEAP programs.