
Event Date: 

Monday, February 1, 2021 - 2:30pm

Studying Abroad in Thailand

Studying Abroad in UK-England

Economics/Accounting Majors Mtg

The Department of Economics strongly encourages students to complete some portion of their undergraduate study through the UC Education Abroad Program. The program allows students to enhance their knowledge of economics while experiencing another culture and way of life. With careful planning, students may spend up to one year abroad without any loss of progress towards graduation. Students gain valuable international experience that will benefit future career goals and/or graduate school opportunities. Economics majors who are fluent in another language will have special advantages in the business world!

Why study abroad? 

UCEAP provides unparalleled opportunities to obtain the broader perspectives, knowledge, and skills necessary to be effective professionally in a rapidly changing global economy. From the challenges facing the European Union, to the balancing of economic growth and reducing corruption in Asia, to the quickening economic pulse coursing through Africa, students can experience first-hand realities and responses to an increasingly complex and interrelated economic world.

Economics majors find that a term, or better yet, a year in a foreign university, not only enhances their critical and quantitative skills, but that the experience of adapting to another academic system and culture expands their self-understanding and gives them a keen sense of the political, social, and economic differences in today’s world. Also, students who go abroad have the opportunity to take courses that are not offered at UCSB.

When should I study abroad?

A summer abroad is possible as early as after your freshman year. Students wishing to go abroad during the regular academic year should successfully complete the pre-major courses and petition for admission to the full major before leaving for UCEAP. Completion of the core intermediate economics courses is also highly recommended as some courses abroad require these as foundation. Students can also study abroad in a fifth year.

Where should I study abroad?

With a wide range of programs in over 40 different countries, you have many options. Courses in economics are available at most UCEAP host universities.

What classes should I take?

Check out the UCSB Economics Pre-Approved UCEAP Course List. Hundreds of previously-approved Economics courses at many popular UCEAP programs may be found on this list. You are not limited to these previously-approved programs or courses. If available, you may take any appropriate Economics course on any UCEAP program and seek to get it pre-approved. Remember: You still must petition the Economics department for course approval when you return!

Also, by searching Gaucho Credit Abroad and the UCEAP Course Catalog, you will get an idea of the types of economics and business courses UC students have taken around the world. Many UCSB economics majors study abroad every year, often taking upper-division coursework that they apply towards major requirements. 

Please note that while business, management, and marketing courses taken on UCEAP transfer to UCSB, they cannot be applied towards any of the majors in the Economics Department. Students interested in these fields should still consider taking them abroad for overall units since they complement the economics background and similar fields are not offered at UCSB. 


ECON 10a and ECON 5 must be taken at UCSB.

Students who are interested in sitting for the CPA exam should avoid taking accounting courses abroad as the rules and regulations differ among countries. Therefore, economics and accounting students wishing to take economics courses through UCEAP, should take courses in Areas A- E but take the accounting courses (Areas F-I) at UCSB. See the CPA FAQs page for info about how your units can apply to the CPA.

All UCEAP students automatically earn UC credit. Some Economics students choose to fulfill their GE requirements abroad while others take classes in the major. Please note that while business, management, and marketing courses taken on UCEAP transfer to UCSB, they cannot be applied towards any of the majors in the Economics Department. Students interested in these fields should still consider taking them abroad for overall units since they complement the economics background and similar fields are not offered at UCSB. ECON 10a and ECON 5 must be taken at UCSB.

Students who are interested in sitting for the CPA exam should avoid taking accounting courses abroad as the rules and regulations differ among countries. Therefore, economics and accounting students wishing to take economics courses through EAP, should take courses in Areas A- E but take the accounting courses (Areas F-I) at UCSB.


All UCEAP students automatically earn UC credit for the work they complete abroad. However, the application of credit to major requirements is subject to the discretion of the Economics Department and approval of the college.

UCEAP provides unparalleled opportunities to obtain the broader perspectives, knowledge, and skills necessary to be effective professionally in a rapidly changing global economy. From the challenges facing the European Union, to the balancing of economic growth and reducing corruption in Asia, to the quickening economic pulse coursing through Africa, students can experience first-hand realities and responses to an increasingly complex and interrelated economic world.

UCEAP offers a variety of short-term and year-long programs taught in English or in a foreign language that complement and enrich economics degrees. Students can fulfill major and GE requirements, get a comparative perspective on their field of study, and grow personally and intellectually through study abroad. Participating in EAP provides further advantages when it comes to the challenges of graduate and professional study. Students who study abroad have a competitive edge in the job market and are well prepared for careers in the international global economy. Furthermore, some UCEAP programs offer internship and research opportunities.

How do I get started?

Academic Planning Form Tutorial

Gaucho Credit Abroad Database